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General Practitioners
Dr Susanna Kent
BHB, MbChB, Dip Obs, Dip Clinical Nutrition, Dip Forensic Medicine, FRNZCGP

Susanna graduated in 1989 from Auckland Medical School. Following this, she worked in hospitals in Canterbury and on the West Coast and then did her General Practice training in Canterbury. This was interspersed with time travelling in Guatemala, Nepal and South America. She worked in a rural practice for 2 years before moving to Wellington. She has been at Manuka since 2001.


She believes in putting the “health” back in to “medicine”. This includes looking at health in a wider perspective including body, mind, family, environment and spirit. She pays tribute to one proposed Maori model of health which includes Te taha tinana , Te taha hinengaro, te taha whanau and te taha wairua.  Click here to view details.


Susanna has done training in NLP and Solution focused therapy. She has an interest in bioidentical hormones, women’s health and nutrition. For 20 years she has done sexual assault work and is currently on the Wellington area roster for the Sexual Assault and Treatment Service, as well as doing general Police forensic work.


Susanna has 3 children and a very patient husband.

Dr Jane Knight

Jane graduated from the Newcastle upon Tyne University medical school in 1995 and embarked upon General Practice training which she completed in in 2000 whilst living in Bristol, UK. Since then she has enjoyed working as a GP at many different practices, gaining a wide experience across the board. She achieved her membership of the British Royal college of GP's in 2001, and later Fellowship of the New Zealand College of General Practice in 2013. She also gained her diploma in Family Planning and a diploma with the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Over the years, Jane developed an interest in nutrition and integrated medicine, as she searched for an answer to a family member's eczema and allergy issues. This led her to complete training with the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental medicine and the Institute of Functional Medicine. These skills have felt like the missing part of the jigsaw puzzle, and she now offers a more integrated approach to medicine, dovetailing traditional General Practice with nutrition and environmental medicine. 

Jane believes in empowering people to take control of their health and focus on not just disease management but also on staying well in the modern world. 

She lives in Wellington with her husband and two children and a dog. She enjoys photography and staying active in her free time.


Dr Tom Spiegler



Tom graduated from The University of Manchester in 2010. Following this, he worked in a small hospital outside of Manchester for three years before moving to London to start GP training, which he completed in 2016.

He worked in a busy North London GP surgery before deciding to escape from Covid-19 to New Zealand in 2021 for a year. He subsequently returned to London but quickly realised that Wellington is the place to be and is very happy to be able to return to Manuka Health Centre in 2023!

He has a keen interest in Palliative and Cancer Care, having also worked for 5 years in a large central London Oncology unit offering support and symptom control to patients with incurable cancer.

Both his experience within General Practice and Palliative Care has taught him to appreciate the importance of all aspects of health and he strives to focus on managing both physical and mental health with an holistic approach.

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Dr Catherine Kirby



Catherine graduated from the University of Leeds medical school in 2007. She completed internal medicine training in London following a stint in Sydney doing emergency medicine and travelling in South America and Asia. She then worked in HIV medicine for the charity Médecins sans Frontières in central Africa before returning to London and starting genito-urinary medicine training.


She realised she wanted a more holistic career and switched to GP training, gaining membership of the UK Royal College of General practice in 2023. Along the way she completed diplomas in tropical medicine, geniotro-urinary medicine, family planning, and a masters in public health.


Catherine has interests in women’s health, public health, and positive psychology. She discovered this after doing a mindfulness course and is fascinated by the new science around this and thriving.


She lives with her partner and daughter, and enjoys reading, hiking and cycling.

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Dr Andrew Dicks

BMedSci, BM, BS, MSc(2), DRCOG, DTM&H,DipMedHyp


Andrew graduated from Nottingham University Medical School in 1991 and

completed his General Practice training in 1996. During this period he gained a

Diploma from the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. After spending a

year working near Brisbane he joined a partnership in London. While in London he

pursued his eclectic interests and gained a Masters degrees in Complementary

Therapies and in Tropical Medicine. Furthering his interest in complementary

therapies he also completed a diploma in Medical Hypnotherapy.


Andrew is interested in holistic practice. His exposure to complementary therapies

has allowed him to appreciate, and recognise, the role that these therapies have

alongside traditional General Practice. Within the the scope of General Practice Andrew is interested in mens health, longterm conditions and palliative care.


He lives with his partner and adorable dog.He is an advocate of happy and healthy


Practice Nurses

Miriam Carter-Dean (left)

Kristen Birch (middle)

Ashley Sparks (right)

Practice Manager  

Vicki McMillan        


Reception and Admin Team


Kayla Gibson ( left)


Shikira McLean (right)

© 2016 by Manuka Health Centre Ltd

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