Manuka Health Centre
Vaccination Advice
11 Hector Street, Petone, Lower Hutt.
P. 04 939 1299
Here at Manuka, we offer and support vaccination to everyone. We offer preventative health care, and we believe vaccination is part of a comprehensive health plan.
However, we also respect the rights of our patients to question, or to request more information about vaccines before making a decision.
Some of the common concerns we discuss with patients are:
Are vaccines safe?
Why do people say vaccines cause autism?
Why do we still vaccinate if we’ve eradicated the diseases such as polio and rubella?
How about aluminium and mercury in vaccines?
Are vaccines causing the rise in chronic disease?
Some of the answers to these questions can be found in the excellent vaccines review by Dr Ana Temple, an Integrative Consultant Paediatrician who worked at Wellington Hospital before returning to her native USA.
We also direct patients to the New Zealand Immunisation website
And take a look at the Ministry of health website for the full NZ vaccination schedule and more information:
Other areas to consider if you have decided not to immunise your child, include considering your strategy if your child becomes acutely unwell, for example with symptoms of whooping cough or measles, or if your child goes overseas on a trip or comes into contact with someone infected with a preventable disease.
Please feel free to make an appointment with one of our nurses to discuss immunisation.